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Characteristic Plant Species


Rhododendron maximum (rhododendron)


Dentaria multifida (fineleaf toothwort)

Heuchera spp. (alumroot)

Iris cristata (dwarf crested iris)

Micranthes careyana (golden eye saxifrage)

Mitchella repens (partridge berry)

Sedum ternatum (three-leaved stonecrop)

Silene rotundifolia (roundleaf catchfly)

Stellaria pubera (star chickweed)

Thalictrum spp. (meadow-rue)

Ferns and Clubmosses:

Asplenium montanum (mtn spleenwort)

Asplenium pinnatifidum (lobed spleenwort)

Huperzia porophila (rock clubmoss)

Trichomanes boschianum (Appal. bristle fern)

NatureServe Communities:

  • Cumberland Acidic Cliff and Rockhouse  (CES 202.309)

  • Southern Appalachian Spray Cliff (CES 202.288)

Sandstone Cliff Face and Rockhouse

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