May 31, 2023
Jonathan Ertelt Shows Titan Arum to a 1000 Vistors!
Our newest Herbarium Associate, Jonathan Ehrtelt, did a marathon set of days showing the second blooming of the titan arum (aka corpse...
May 30, 2023
Two New Block Fellows Announced!
Our two newest Block Fellows are Keegan Congleton C'25 and Rob Phillips C'25. They are research interns this summer with the Cross Creek...
May 4, 2023
Block Senior Fellows Host Annual Awards Ceremony!
Izzie and Oliver host the annual Herbarium awards at Dr. Evans's house, followed by a garden party! Keegan anointed new Student...
May 3, 2023
Oliver Receives Honors in Biology
Oliver's honors thesis was officially approved by his committee. His honors research examined the population biology of a clonal shrub...
May 1, 2023
JT Awarded Summer Field Botany Fellowship
JT Michel was awarded a Summer Field Botany Fellowship from the GardenClub of America. This competitive award is funding JT to work in...